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To all Christians praying in the name AMEN, the Egyptian god...

Writer's picture: NtandoyenkosiNtandoyenkosi

This one will be hard to digest for the average Christian. As many are living their lives (well most anyways) without the slightest knowledge of the name of the true and only Creator, So NiNi na NiNi.

His infinite and undefined depths, His works of old are not recognised or talked about these days. The People of Israel have forgotten who they are and The ways of The Almighty is no longer common knowledge. This is not entirely true though, His words will never be forgotten. Because just as He said they (His Words) would never pass away, they did not (Matt 24:35).

It is so now that many people and from different religions use The Word of God as theirs. Protestants do this, but also the more devious ones, such as Mormons, Adventists, Catholics, Jehovahs Witness, the many Churches of God, Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox, ETC, I mean even Islamist to some degree - they all have their own spin and interpretation of things. So then the context of the plain old truth, obviously, has become convoluted and seemingly words can mean whatever people want them too. Words then become what people want them to become. Because they believe whatever they want to believe. And when they do that, So NiNi will leave them to their own devices. When then they people has started believing in another Gospel (Galatians 1,7) the credit for the deeds done by the Saviour Immanuel (Msindisi), well, they seems to be going elsewhere and not where they rightly should.

In the forgetting of The one true Creator - So NiNi - Amen of Egypt on the other hand, seems to be much more known and his name is indeed on the lips of many so called believers. Though amen did not create anything, cannot save or redeem anyone, neither can this deity answer a prayer. But ancient old African deities such as Amen, Zeus or even the mischievous Esu, do exist - in history and in faiths. And you if you chose to believe in them, just as the modern day entities such as Ahl-kuhl (Alcohol) and Tabacc (Tobacco), they become real. If you create them, they become real. Are you getting how deep this goes? Nevertheless, these then strong spirits that have taken a hold of many a body and temple.

But have faith, do don't serve these images, remember that the weakness of So NiNi is stronger than the strength of man. Don`t fall down and serve them or even use the name Amen in your prayers (Ex. 23,13). Regardless of what linguists (Hebrew and the like) might think, the word amen is not an affirmation. It does not mean truth or so be it. It is a name, that you effectively wrap and seal your prayers with every time you and or your family say grace or end a prayer.

Remember what Immanuel predicted (John 5,43):

`I have come in my Father's (uBawo So NiNi) name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, him you will accept.`

This, as every other thing predicted by Msindisi (Christ our Saviour), did indeed happen. And so here we are. What is the Fathers name then? So NiNi na NiNi. What is most frequently mentioned, on terms of a phrase or a name in almost every Bible, and it ain`t Gods purposed name Jehovah or Jahve (as one would think), it surely is the historical name of Amen. So, if you aint gonna read this whole thing below (a work meticulously prepared not without a good deal of effort and sweat). You need to know this:

...that each and every time you say the Lords Prayer and use the salutation AMEN at the end, you are sealing that prayer with a name. A name The Most High of Israel does not particularly care for.

In fact - He Hates it.

How so certain you ask? To know this, we must dive into Egypt !

Amun - king of the gods

The great Egyptian deity Amoun, also known as Amon, Ammon, Amun or Amen surely lives on in the modern world.

On your left you will see the deity Amun/Amen in known style, with the ankh held tightly in his right hand, a symbol (image) very similar to that of todays Christian worship and the cross. This particular Egyptian deity was known as `King of the Gods` and Lord of Heaven. These are titles meant for The Most High of ancient Israel - So NiNi, albeit in later times peoples such as Romans identified Amun (Not the Most High) along with Jupiter (forebears of Johve/Javhe), which seems to be the top head living deep inside catholic worship. A religion hell bent on serving images made from wood and stone. And of course a deification of her priests. Though they, the catholics, didn't start this tradition this was perfected by the Egyptians many years ago. So then, lets get aquatinted with some historical characters of ancient Egypt. Alive and well to this very day.

On your right is another depiction which is the statue of Amun, the hidden one, also called Amen-Ra. He was the living force that dwells all around and within all living beings and things. If you read only a little of the pious works the priests of Egypt, you will very quickly see how similar it is to the worship being had in todays churches. Even some of the Psalms are eerily similar to the ancient Egyptians. Amen-Ra was also referred to as the Father of the Gods and Ruler of the Universe, a deity that constructed himself out of Nun (which is Chaos, can be compared to modern big-bang theories, very similar).

Amen is an Egyptian god - Am I now your enemy? (Gal 4,16) A response given to every Masonic Prayer: `So mote it be-Amen` or just amen. Sound familiar? The word amen is thought to signify the Hebrew word verily, truly or even certainly.

Orientalist and Bible critic Wilhelm Gesenius (1786-1842) wrote:

`Its proper place is where one person confirms the words of another, and adds his wish for success to the other vows.`

It becomes evident then, that just as in churches ALL OVER THE WORLD, it is the people and not the Chaplain/Priest that pronounce the word after their recital or preach. It then falls as a seal and response to a prayer. You are reciting a name. Sealing your prayers with it. Remember what So NiNI said in Exodus 23,13.

"Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips."

The Canaanite god Molok (Xhosa and Zulu for greeting another person is Molo) and the Egyptian Deity Amen are the chief two being most frequently mentioned. But there are many such little gods to be found in the English language (Like Happy, Hapi the god of the Nile in Egypt). Speaking of old superstitions, Talmudists have many superstitions, one being they are in fact the historical children of Judah (which they cannot be). Another is reading into stuff and then (as I said) taking on identities which are not their own. So in one particulate Middle Eastern branch of modern Judaism, Uber Musar (the Musar movement), it is said that whoever pronounces AMEN with a certain attention and devotion, to him the gates of Paradise will be opened, AND, "whosoever dwells upon it, pronouncing it distinctly and slowly, his life shall be prolonged."

Don`t believe there are people that believe in this stuff, check it out for yourself. Or just go to your local church, Amen is there also.

This here is Queen Mut, the Queen and wife of Amon/Amen-Ra. Both of these, `Amen` and `So mote it Be`, are usually said in closing a spell or a ritual and means: As I will it, so shall it be done. Not exactly a closing statement you should be saying to The Most High, because that's exactly what you'll get. Your own will, to your own detriment. Amen is an affirmation that the object of the speakers desired will manifested into reality through the name Amon/Amen. To THIS VERY DAY, the name of the Egyptian god Amen is recited at the end of prayers both in the modern day Jewish and Christian Religions. The modern jewish people of the middle east adopted the word at a certain given time and it then passed into Christian folklore, being a petition for (the god Amen) to fulfil our words

On your left is ISIS, the Egyptian Triple Goddess. Mother Goddess and bringer of life Passion: Life and Procreation. Any familiar characteristics, she is very much Idolised in this day and age.

Now, even if you at face value grasp some of these bullet-points, it does of course not give much answer as towards the origin of the name of Amen. Therefore, we must investigate and come to grips with its origins, as to the how and why it ended up as a sorta one-word salutation, or THE ending comment on every prayer. It is quite fascinating and another testament to humans being creatures of habit and vain tradition. The true genesis well, historical anyways, of the word amen and the meaning of the word needs to be uncovered for us to understand and trace the monotheistic religion and ancient existence of Amen/Amon. And how this plays into the religious scene of today, which gives insights, new perspectives and in the end moves you closer to the One True God. Qamata So NiNi.

Early beginnings

The origins of Amen, could historically be attracted to the neolithic children of the Nile, most likely the East Hamites in towards East Africa (Nubia or further down towards Tanzania). The later, more popular Egyptians was their descendants. The language (Egyptian) was most likely an East Hamitic dialect (closely related to one of the Bantus morphology and language structure), perhaps as is spoken today by natives between the upper Nile and the Masai steppes. Egyptian skeletons, statues and countless images of Egyptians in their temples show the same racial characteristics as the Nubians and so-called Nilotic clans, brown skinned hunters of the steppes and the infamous savannah husbandmen of the Sudan. We can therefore say with great certainty that Egypt was a vast kingdom created by the Egyptians, which means the Africans inspired the Pyramids, the golden burial chambers, the many statues, Temple friezes and every other great Egyptian artwork. The Sphinx, which has been covered in a previous post is an African monument, the hieroglyphics are an African script, Ammon, Isis and Osiris are very much ancient African gods. And their names are still mentioned today.

On your right is the Egyptian god Amon, with sickle and ankh (cross) in hand. It should be no doubt that Egypts achievements and worldwide reach was so extensive that all the greats of ancient Europe journeyed there, such as philosophers Thales and Anaximander, mathwizz Pythagoras, statesman Solon following an endless stream of historians and geographers whose works are all based or built upon Egyptian education. For instance Herodotus and his accurate depictions of the Egyptians, remains a decent source of their accounts, though the Empire was declining it still depicts its power and success from the current and the previous pasts powerful dynasties. The above is merely paraphrasing of the words of the little know german author Herbert Wendt (1914-1979) and his In Search of Adam (1935;1955), you might wanna check it out. But as with all modern works it only goes so far...

Moving on then, in this origin search of Ammon or Amen and how he somehow became the creator of the universe, we will dive deeper into ideas and prevailing history of the day. Meaning back in the day of Egyptian clergy. Take sun worship for instance, a complex system wherein the sun was known by several names, and its various attributes differentiated and made objects of worship. Military officer and theosophist Henry Steel Olcott (1832-1907) wrote the following :

`The Egyptians in the deification of the Sun, considered the luminary in its different aspects separating the light from the heat of the Sun, and the orb from the rays. Egyptian sun worship was therefore polytheistic, and several distinct deities were worshipped as Sun gods. Thus, there were Sun gods representing the physical orb, the intellectual Sun, the Sun considered as the source of heat, and the source of light, the power of the sun, the sun in the firmament, and the sun in his resting place.`

This gives a good description of the Egyptian attributing physical qualities and material aspects to different gods depicting the Egyptians Pantheon (god system). Ammon (Amen) was thusly the personification of the sun in the sky after it had descended below the western horizon, and there it was hidden from sights. Ammon was, like most images, crafted to have the appearance of a man with head and horns of a ram. His statues was painted blue, the sacred colour of the source of life, according to the Egyptians. In Egyptian the word for Ram means to hide or concealment, the solar god Ammon was after all the hidden one. In Thebes the ancient cults of Ammon and Ra fused together and became one under the name Amen-Ra.

A certain George St.Clair, author of Creation Records Discovered in Egypt (1898), wrote about a group of deities that stood apart from the rest, these being Amen, Mut and Khonsu, the Triad of Thebes or the Trinity of Ethiopia. Egyptologist and orientalist Sir E.A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934) elaborates on the Theban Triad and that it had nothing to do with the other characters from the infamous book of the dead. From this then, we may gather that the Theban Triad was either new gods or gods of a foreign origin. They were kept out of the loop, for some reason, not included in the sacred Egyptian books, being the trinity of ancient Ethiopia, and not exclusively for or from Egypt.

If we examine Ethiopia's influence on Egypt, there is much compelling evidence that this is just the case. They, being what we know and call Egypt, was heavily influenced by the Ethiopian or as we know it, African system of the gods. Amen Ra Abu Simbel, also called Amomet, Amaunet, Amentet, Imentet, Imentit and Ament, had a female form or sorta androgynous god (much like popular culture wants it today, blurring the lines between male and female), this god is worshipped today even if people will deny it fervently... (Baphomet is at the head of pop-music today).

Khonsu, son of Aoum, Amon or Amen, who's mother was Mut. They formed the Theban triad of gods. He is represented as a royal child, wearing the side-plait and carrying a crook and flail. His images is often shown with a falcon-head surrounded by a lunar specific time. Yes the ancient Egyptians used the moon to tell time. Just like the Israelites before them, or Babylonians then came the Greeks and almost all of the old civilisations used nature and the cycles of the moon to determine time.

Wallis Budge elaborated on Amen and his consort Ament (Budge,1904:xi):

`Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were Amen and his consort Ament, and their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, and in connexion with the twin lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods, who made their own bodies with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem. It is evident that even in the remote period of the Vth Dynasty, Amen and Ament were numbered among the primeval gods, if not s gods-in-chief certainly as subsidiary forms of some of them, and from the fact that they are mentioned immediately after the deities of "Primeval Matter" , Mau and Nen, who we may consider to be equivalents of the watery abyss from which all matter sprang(The Big Bang as explained by the Egyptians who say that 'all matter' originated from "Pimeval Matter" ), and immediately before Temt and Shu and Tefnut, as the writers of the Pyramid Texts assigned great antiquity to their existence.

Of the attributes ascribed to Amen in the Ancient Empire is not known, but, if we accept the meaning of "hidden" which is given to his name, we can conclude that he was the personification of the 'hidden' and 'unknown' creative power which was associated with the Primeval Abyss gods in the creation of the world and all that is in it.[ italics mine] . The word or root "aimen" certainly means "what is hidden," "what is not seen," "what cannot be seen," and so forth; and, this fact is proved by scores of examples which maybe collected from texts of all periods. In hymns to Amen we often read that he is "hidden to his children," and "hidden to gods and men," and it has been stated that these expressions only refer to the "hiding," i.e., "setting" of the Sun each evening, and that they are only to be understood in a physical sense, and to mean nothing more than the 'disappearance of the god Amen for the sight of men' at the close of day.

Now, not only is the god himself said to be "hidden," but his name is also "hidden," and his form, or similitude, is said to be unknown;" these statements show that "hidden" when applied to Amen, the great God, has reference to something more than the "sun which which has disappeared below the horizon," and that it indicates the God who cannot be seen with mortal eyes, and who is invisible, as well as inscrutable, to gods as well as men.In the times of the Ptolemic period, the name Amen appears to have been connected with the root men "to abide or to be permanent;" and one of the attributes which were applied to him was that of "eternal".

It therefore becomes clearer that Amon/Amen was one of earlier rulers out of Africa, mentioned a great deal before the other Egyptian deities came into being. Further down below we will, for the readers indulgence include prayers, that includes the name amen in them, being used in the same manner as in the biblical text were the name certainly seems to have been inserted. Again, don`t fret the message of the Gospel remains untouched, only the names of places and people have in the passing of time been altered and or otherwise corrupted, due to mistranslations - deliberate or unknowingly. We do not know. The changes are for all eyes to be seen though, if one but uses a little sense and ask The Spirit of Truth for guidance and wisdom. Needless to say, the so-called Hebrew (Arabic) language did in time adopt the word which again passed into Christian use as the great amen (in new testament languages such as Xhosa, Zulu and Siswati). And by praying to amen you make a supplementation to the god amen to fulfil your words.

How can people not see this? You tell them a scripture quote and they answer like some robot, amen... Agreeing with what you said but telling you where their allegiance lies. Please tell people about the true Hebrews in South Africa, tell them about So NiNi na NiNi.

Below follows quotes on Amen and prayer by various authors:

“It is common to end a discourse on spiritual matters, (or end a prayer) with (the word) “Amen”. Few of us realise that the word ‘Amen’ is an Egyptian word. It refers to the Egyptian god of Thebes. The Hebrews adopted the word and it passed into Christian use as “Amen”. It is a petition for (the god – Amen) to fulfil our words. ”

– Dr John Palo, Mystic Gifts from Ancient Egypt (1999)

“Yet another hint of an Egyptian influence in Christianity is the fact that even today, we still end prayers with the word “Amen”. Amen-Ra was the chief god of the Egyptians. The Church’s main tool for the conversion of the “pagans” was always the appropriation of the local religion’s most holy days and rituals. This allowed the locals to feel they were still worshipping the old Gods in the accustomed ways,”

– Per Ankh, The Swindle of Truth: Ancient Egypt

These sources might not be the most authoritative, give a listen though to jesuit priest Herbert Thurston (1856-1939), co-author of Catholic Encyclopaedia (1907), who puts it rather plainly in vol.1, under `amen` (Thurston, 1907):

“Finally, we may note that the word “Amen” occurs in gnostic spells….especially of Egyptian origin, and a sort of magical efficacy seems to have been attributed to this word.. The practice of answering “Amen” at the end of prayers appears in the Canons of Hippolytus (No. 146) and in the Egyptian ChurchOrder (p. 101).”

Moving on to contemporary author Sir Laurence Gardner (1943-2010), who wrote in his Genesis of the Grail Kings (1999:6):

“The Israelite exiles from Egypt knew that Jehovah was not the same as the Egyptian god Aten, and so they presumed he must be the equivalent of the great State God of Egypt. It was decided, therefore, to add the name of that State-god of Egypt to all prayers thereafter, and the name of that Egyptian god was “Amen”. To this day, the name of Amen is still recited at the end of prayers in both Jewish and Christian religions.”

Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopaedia (1912) has this to say :

`"AMEN": In Egyptian Mythology, the mighty one (god) of life and procreation.... later identified with the Sun-god as the Supreme Deity of Egypt , and was called Amen-Ra." We read from the Coptic Prayers that: "The Egyptian Ruler, Akhenaton, had the people worship in the temples of Amen-Ra, meaning God's Sun/Son. At the end of the services they would say "Amen", because they were sending a prayer to the gods through Amen-Ra, God's Sun/Son. Amen-Ra, served as a personal saviour to them since the Sun gave them all life."`

And in "The Final Reformation" Chris J. Koster (1898-?), co-author of The Scriptures (2008) Bible states:

"Again we can see how the "pagans" have been made welcome, been conciliated, by adopting the name of a "pagan" deity into the prayers of the Church [of Rome]. This deity became known as 'Amen-Ra', but he was only known as 'Amen' among the Thebans."

Finally, J. Voss leaves self-proclaimed Christians with a question to ponder upon:

"By ending our prayers in 'amen'... one could very well ask, "Have we been misled to invoke the name of the Egyptian 'Sun-God' at the end of our prayers"?It is interesting to begin to ponder on issues of prayer today and how it links the present and the ancient."

Historical Fuzz & who is Amen?

When approaching the modern historical memory of the deeds and attributes of Amon, it is far from clear. Although when consulting the ancient Egyptian writings, everything becomes much clearer, that it `Amen` will (like today) in this world be a part and parcel of most peoples prayers.

This blog reveals the true name of God, which is So NiNi na NiNi, I am that I am.

Now, how can you understand So NiNi better? Firstly, read the Bible more. Learn about the olden days as much as you can, always remembering the Gospel and that you are not under law (though it still shows you where and when you sin). Also you should be serving the one who saved you from your sins (Manwele or Immanuel). So NiNi is The Creator and Almighty God that cannot be seen. He is eternal and does, just like you and me have a name. And It is So NiNi.

Now these descriptions are mirrored, as the Egyptians stole lots from the anciet Hebrews, in understanding the Egyptian god Amen. Invisible and his existence was said to be eternal, just like So NiNi. Amen was to be saluted at the end of our prayers that he be our 'personal saviour', because al things are possible only through him and must be known that in truth he exists. See, the Egyptians borrowed quite a bit from their Hebrew neighbours.

In order to understand know "Him"... "Amoun," Amon," "Ammon," or "Amen"..., we are informed by Budge that:

"Ammon is represented in Five forms:As a man, when he is seen seated on a throne, and holding in one hand the sceptre, and in the other the symbol of "life;" in this form he is one of the nine deities who compose the company of the gods of Amen-Ra, the other eight being Ament, Nu, Nut, Hehui, Hehet, Kekui, Keket, and Hathor.As a man with the head of a frog, whilst his female counterpart Ament has the head of a uraeus. As a man with the head of a uraeus, whilst his female counterpart has the head of a cat.As an ape.As a lion couchant upon a pedestal.

Of the early history of the worship of Amen we know nothing, says Budge, but as far as evidence before us goes it appears not to have been general, and in fact, the only centre of it of any importance was the city of Thebes. In the XIIth Dynasty we find that a sanctuary and shrine were built in honor of Amen at Thebes in the northern quarter of the city which is called APT, with the addition of the feminine article 'T', the Copts derived their name for the city 'Tape', and from it comes the common name "Thebes." Over Apt, the quarter of the city there presided the goddess also called Apt, who was either the personification of it, or a mere local goddess to whom accident or design had given the same name as as the quarter; it is, however, most probable that the goddess was the spirit of personification of the place. In the reliefs on which she is represented we see her in the form of a woman holding the sceptre in her left hand, and "life, in her right hand.(See Picture in the gallery). Up to the time of the XIIth Dynasty, Amen was a god of no more than local importance, but as soon as the princes of Thebes conquered their rival claimants to the sovereignty of Egypt, and had succeeded in making their city a new capital of the country, their God, Amen, became a prominent god in Upper Egypt, and was probably under the that Dynasty that the attempt was made to assign to him the proud position which was afterwards claimed for him of "King of the Gods" As soon as the Theban prices became Kings of Egypt, their priests at once began to declare that their God was not only another form of the great creative Sun-god who had been worshipped for centuries at Annu, or Heliopolis, in the north of Egypt, under the names of 'Ra', 'Temu', 'Khepera', and Heru-khuti, but that all the attributes which were ascribed them were contained in him, and that he was greater than they.

And as Thebes had become the cpital instead of Memphis, it followed as a matter of course that all the attributes of all the great gods of Memphis were contained in Amen also. Thus, by these means, the priests of Amen succeeded in making their god, both theologically and politically,the greatest of the Gods in the country.By the end of the XVIIth Dynasty, Amen had attained to an almost unrivalled position among the gods of the land. And when the royal devotees of in this Dynasty succeeded in expelling the Hyksos(The Shepherd Kings) of the XIIth Dynasty, and they carried war and conquest into Palestine and founded Egyptian cities there, the power and glory of Amen, their God, enabled them to carry out this difficult work of successful invasion, became extraordinarily great. Amen's Egyptian Priests began by asserting his equality with the other great gods of the old sanctuaries of Heliopolis, Kerakleopolis and other ancient cities, and finally they satisfied, or, at all events, attempted to do so, all worshipers of every form of the Sun-god Ra by adding his name to that of Amen, and thus forming a great god, who included within himself all the attributes of the primeval God Amen and of Ra. The highest conception of Amen-Ra under the XIXth and XXth Dynasties was that of an 'invisible', and 'creative' power which was the source of all life in heaven, and on earth, and in the great deep, and in the Underworld, and which made itself manifest under the form of Ra; but the Priests of Amen were not content with claiming that their God was one of the greatest of the deities of Egypt, for they proceeded to declare that there was no other god like him, and that he was the greatest of them all."

Amens most interesting attributes, was being able to have all the qualities of the other gods from everywhere else, and even though he still was a higher deity than them. All this was confirmed by the Egyptian clergy (as it is today) in the from of Hymns to Amen (Amon). These hymns of Amon gives historical references of Amens attributes, and as to why he was called king of the gods... Sound familiar? Now to begin to make the connection between amens hymns, we have to look at these texts to acquire a better understanding of what one really is saluting when using Amen in our prayers. This name then, not So NiNi Who is The Creator of all things, becomes our mediator between our gods and him. Make sense? Have a look at the Papyrus Hu-nefer, written in the reign of Seti 1., where it follows immediately after a hymn to Amen (Ra). What is interesting to note is the distinct addressing of the gods separately, and that the hymn to Ra precedes that to Amen-Ra.

"Homage to thee, O Amen-Ra, who dost rest upon Maat (Balance); as though passest over the heavens every face seeth thee. thou dost wax great as thy majesty doth advance, and "thy rays [shine] upon all faces. Thou art unknown, and thou tongue hath power to declare thy similitude; only thou thyself [canst do this]. Thou art One, even as is he that bringeth the tena" basket. Men praise thee in thy name, and swear by thee, for thou art lord over them. Thou hearest with thine ears and thou seest with thine eyes. Miilions of years have gone "over the world, and I cannot tell the number of those through which thou has passed.Thy "heart hath decreed a day of happiness in thy name of "Traveller." Thou dost pass over and "dost travel through untold spaces [requiring] millions and hundreds of thousands of years [to "pass over; thou passest through them in peace, and thou steerest thy way across the watery "abyss to the place which thou lovest; this thou doest in one little moment of time, and then "thou dost sink down and dost make an end of the hours." (Brit Mus., No. 9,901 sheet i.)

Now, if you survived that, you did well although the whole text is allot longer. These people was serious clergy ! The next piece is challenging, and is included in full lenght only to prove how pious and clergy like the Egyptians actually was - it also highlights much of the same points as the above. So then this particular Egyptian Dynasty (a certain time period in Egypt), ascribed attributes to Amen-Ra as the god that will never be known. It does not speak of amen being self begotten or self-born, neither is much said on his creative powers. Point being, So NiNi is nothing like the descriptions of amen, one of the reasons why atheism is more attractive to some people. Amen gives So NiNi a bad reputation and a bad name even, if you can put it like that.

The following Hymn, which was probably written under the XXth or XXIst Dynasties, illustrates clearly the growth of power as seen in both Amen-Ra and his following and his priests:

"Praise be to Amen-Ra, the Bull in Annu, the cief of all the gods, the beautiful god, the beloved one, the giver of life of all warmth to all beautiful cattle(Amen as referred to above as the Bull of Annu, was in recognition of Amon as the patron of cattle). Homage to thee, O Amen-Ra, lord of the thrones of the two lands, the governor of the Apts (i.e., Thebes, north and south), thou Bull of thy mother, who art chief in thy fields, whose steps re long, who art lord of the land of the South, who art lord of the Matchau peoples, and prince of Punt, and King of Heaven, and first born god of earth, and lord of things which exist, and stablisher of "creation, yea, stablisher of all creation. thou art One among the gods by reason of his seasons. Thou 'art the beautiful Bull of the company of the gods, thou art the chief of all the gods, thou art the lord of Maat, and the father of the gods, and the creator of men and women, and the maker of animals, and the lord of things that exist, nd the producer of the staff of life (i.e., wheat and barley), and the maker of the herb of the field which giveth life unto cattle.thou art the beautiful Sekhem wh wast made (i.e., begotten) by Ptah, and the beautiful Child who art beloved. The gods acclaim thee, O thou who art the maker of things which are below and of things which are above. Thou illuminest the two lands, and thou sailest over the sky in peace, O King of the South and North, Ra, whose word hath unfailing effect, who art over the two lands, thou mighty one of two-fold strength, thou lord of terror, thou Being above who makest the earth according to thy designs. Thy devices are greater and more numerous than those of any other god. The gods rejoice in thy beauties, and they ascribe praise unto thee in the great double house, and at thy risings in (or,from) the double house of flame.

The gods love the smell of thee when thou comest from Punt (i.e., the spice land), thou eldest born of the dew,who comest from the land of the Matchau peoples, thou Beautiful Face, who comest from the Divine land (Neter-ta). The gods tremble at they feet when they recognize thy majesty as their lord, thou lord who art feared, thou Being of whom awe is great, thou Being whose souls are mighty, who hast possession of crowns, who dost make offerings to be abundant, and who dost make divine food." (tchefau)"Adoration be to thee,O creator of the gods, who hast stretched out the heavens and made solid the earth. Thou art the untiring watcher, O Amsu-Amen or Min-Amen(See picture gallery), the lord of eternity, and the maker of everlastingness, and to thee adorations are paid as the governor of the apts. Thou hast two horns which endure, and thine aspects are beautiful, and thou art the lord of the ureret crown, and thy double plumes are lofty, thy tiara is one of beauty, and they white crown is lofty. The goddess Mehen, and the Uatchet,are about thy face, and the crowns of the South and North, and the Nemmes crown, and the helmet crown are thy adornments in they Temple. Thy face is beautiful and thou receivest the Atef crown, and thou art beloved of the South and the NOrth; thou receivest the crowns of the South and the North, and thou receivest the amensu sceptre, and thou art the lord of the makes sceptre, and of the whip(or flail). Thou art the beautiful Prince, who rises like the Sun with the White Crown, and thou art the lord of radiant light and the creator of brilliant rays. The gods ascribe praises unto thee.

Thy flame maketh thine enemies to fall, and thine Eye overthroweth the Sebau fiends, and it driveth its spear through the sky into the serpent-fiend Nak and maketh it to vomit that which it had swallowed.""Homage to thee, O Ra, thou lord of Maat, whose shrine is hidden, thou lord of the gods; thou art Khepera in thy boat, and when thou didst speak the word the gods sprang into being. Thou art Temu, who didst create beings endowed withreason; thou makest the color of the skin of one race to be different from that of another, but, however many may be the varieties of mankind, it is thou that makest them all to live. Thou hearest the prayer of him that is oppressed, thou art kind of heart unto him that calleth upon thee, thou deliverst him that is afraid from him that is violent of heart, and thou judgest between the strong and the weak. Thou art the lord of intelligence, and knowledge is that which proceedeth from thy mouth. The Nile cometh at thy will, and thou art the greatly beloved lord of the palm tree who makest mortals live. Thou makest every work to proceed, thou workest in the sky, and thou makest to come into being the beauties of the daylight; the gods rejoice in thy beauties, and their hearts live when they see thee. Hail . Ra, who art adored in the Apts, thou mighty one who risest in the shrine: O Ani,thou lord of the festival of the new moon, who makest the six days' festival and the festival of the last quarter of the moon. Hail, Prince, life, health and strength, thou lord of all the gods, whose appearances are in the horizon, thou Governor of the ancestors of Aukert (i.e., the Underworld), thou is hidden from thy children in thy name, 'Amen'."

"Hail to thee, O thou who art in peace, thou lord of joy of heart, thou crowned from, thou lord of the ureret crown, whose plumes are exalted, whose tiara is beautiful, whose White Crown is lofty, the gods love to look upon thee; the crowns of the South and North are established upon they brow. Beloved art thou as thou passest through the two lands, as thou sendest forth rays from thy two beautiful eyes. The dead are rapturous with delight when thou shinest. The cattle become languid when thou shinest in full strength; beloved art thou when thou art in the southern sky. thy beauties take possession of and carry away all hearts, and love for thee maketh all arms to relax, they beautiful form maketh the hands to tremble, and all hearts melt at the sight of thee.""Hail, thou Form who art One, thou creator of all things; hail, thou ONLY ONE, thou maker of things which exist. men came forth from thy two eyes, and the gods sprang into being as the issue of they motuh. Thou makest the green herbs whereby cattle live, and the staff of life for the use of man.

Thou makest the fish to live in the rivers, and the feathered fowl in the sky; thou givest the breadth of life to that which is in the egg, thou makest birds of every kind live, and likewise the reptiles that creep and fly; thou causest the rats to live in their holes, and the birds that are on every green tree. Hail to thee, O thou who hast made all these things, thou ONLY ONE; thy might hath many forms. Thou watchest all men as they sleep, and thou seekest the good of thy brute creation. Hail, Amen, who dost establish all things, and who art Atmu and Harmachis, all people adore thee, saying, 'Praise be to thee because of thy resting among us; homage to thee because thou hast created us.' All creaure say, "Hail to thee'! and all lands praise thee; from the height of the sky, to the breadth of the earth, and to the depths of the sea thou art praised. The gods bow down before thy majesty to exalt the Will of the Creator; they rejoice when they meet their begetter, and say to thee, "Come in peace, O father of the fathers of all the gods, who hast spread out the sky, and hast founded the earth, maker of things which are, creator of things which exist, thou Prince (life, health and strength [to thee!], thy Governor of the gods. We adore thy Will (or, souls) for thou hast made us; thou has made us and hast given us birth.""Hail, lord of grain, who makest to live the cattle on the hills to thee, maker of all things, lord of Maat, father of the gods, maker of men, creator of animals, lord of grain, who makest to live the cattle on the hills. Hail, Amen, bull. beautiful face, beloved of the Apts, mighty of rising in the shrine, who art doubtly crowned in Heliopolis; thou art the head of the company of the gods, ONLY ONE, who hast no second, thou governor of the Apts, Ani at the head of the company of the gods, living in Maat daily, thou Horus of the East of the double horizon. thou hast created the mountain, and the silver and real lapis-lazuli at they will. Incense and fresh anti are prepared for thy nostrils, O beautiful Face, who comest forth from the land of the Matchau, Amen-Ra, lord of the thrones of the two lands, at the head of the Apts, Ani, the chief of thy shrine/ Thou king who art ONE among the gods, they names are manifold, and how many they are is unknown; thou shinest in the eastern and western horizons, and overthrowest thy enemies at they birth daily.

Thoth exalteth thy two eyes, and maketh thee to set in splendor; the gods rejoice in thy beauties which those who are in thy [following] exalt. Thou art the lord of the Sektet Boat and of the Atet Boat,which travel over the sky for thee in peace. Thy sailors rejoice when they see Nak overthrown, and his limbs stabbed with the knife, and the fire devouring him, and his filthy soul beaten out of his filthy body, and his feet carried away."The gods rejoice, Ra is content, and Annu (Heliopolis) is glad because the enemies of Atmu are overthrown, and the heart of Nebt-ankh (i.e., Isis) is happy because the enemies of her lord are overthrown. The gods of Kher-aha rejoice, and those who dwell in the shrine are making obeisance when they see thee might in thy strength. Thou art the Sekhem (i.e., Power) of the gods, and Maat of the Apts in thy name of 'Maker of Maat.' Thou art the lord of tchefau food, the Bull of offerings in they name, 'Amen, Bull of his other.' Thou art the Great Hawk which gladdeneth the body; the Beautiful Face which gladdenenth the breast.

Thou art the form of [many] forms, with a lofty crown; the Uatcheti goddess (i.e., Nekhebet and Uatchet) fly before his face. The hearts of the dead go out to meet him, and the denizens of heaven turn to him; his appearances rejoice the two lands. Homage to thee, Amen-Ra, lord of the throne of the two lands; thy city loveth thy radiant light." (by Grebaut, "Hymne a Ammon-Ra ", Paris, 1875)The main point of interest in connexion with this hymn is the proof it affords of the completeness with which Amen had absorbed all the attributes of Ra and of every other ancient form of the Sun-god, and how in the course of about one hundred years he had risen from the position of a mere god to that of the "King of the gods" of Egypt. His worship at Thebes, where the earliest known Temple was dedicated to him can be traced to the 5th Dynasty onward. He gained prestige when he replaced the war god Montu as the principle God of Thebes during Egypt's New Kingdom that he came to be recognized as the "King of the Gods". At that tim, because of Egypt's influence in the world, he actually became became a Universal God. In fact, by the 25th Dynasty, Amun-Re grew so important spiritually and politically by the time of the New Kingdom that Egypt became something of a Theocracy. At the apex of his worship, Egyptian religion approached monotheism . The other gods became mere symbols of his power, or the manifestations of Amoun-Re. In esscence, he became one and only supreme deity. He was one of the eight god heads of the Ogdoad of Mermopolis where his original concort was Amaunet [Ament](see picture gallery).

The Nubians, believed that he originated at Gebel Barkal, located in the modern north of the Sudan. It is also striking that the ancients payer started in this manner: "O Amen, O Amen, who art in heaven, turn thy face upon the dead body of thy son/daughter, and make him/her sound and strong in the Underworld. Grant that he/she may be of the land of Maat, let him not be left in his condition of solitude, for he belongeth th this land wherein he will no more appear. O let him be a perfect spirit, or a strong spirit, and let him be the sould of the mighty body which is in Sau, the City of Net. O Amen, O Amen, O God, O god, O Amen, I adore thy name, grant thou that I may have peace in the Tuat (Underworld), and that I may possess all my members therein. And the divine Soul which is Nut saith; "I will make my divine strength to protect them and I will perform everything which thou hast said. And this has to be recited over the figure of the "god of the lifted hand", who is Amen the God of generation and reproduction. And if the the directions given in the rubric were properly carried out it would enable the deceased to drink water in the underworld from the deepest and purest part of the celestial stream, and he would become "like the stars in the heavens above".

If the story and origins and history of Amon(Amen)has been lost to us, it has not done so in its entirety. In our prayers today, we still pay homage to Amon(Amen) whenever reciting the "Lords Prayer". We consistently and continually offer as a salutation to Him for our salvation, for Him to be a mediator between our gods and to Himself, by uttering his name after our prayers, in whatever language, ..... "AMEN".

History teaches that the Egyptians (from the Old Kingdom) was a gentle and charitable culture, although future Egyptians would testify to them not exactly being defined through such characteristics. They did at some point in time (if you read the Maxims of Amenemope) understand that man was made for peace and not for war. After all Acts 7,22 talks about Moses being educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, so they must have gotten something right. Right?

German Egyptologist Heinrich Karl Brugsch (1827-94) remarked:

"... in the schools the poor scribe's child sat on the same bench beside the offspring of the rich ... Above all things they esteemed justice, and virtue had at he highest value in their eyes. The law which ordered them to honour the dead; to give bread to the hungry, water to be thirsty, clothing to the naked - reveals to us one of the finest qualities of old Egyptian character - pity toward the unfortunate."

If you then, examine Egyptian history as a whole, you will discover that several areas of the historical periods and its records become convoluted and rather nebulous. When it comes to religion and which god you choose to serve, this is very much such an area of ambiguity, it being the devils playground. Creating conflicting chaos and Babel. So NiNi is not the author of confusion or chaos (1. Cor 14,33). It comes as no surprise then, that if you consult people such as the renowned Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934), he will tell you that the Egyptian priests and their practise of religion after 1200 BC seems riddled with uncertainties and a general vagueness.

The early beliefs became buried in magic, amulets and symbols such as the Roman cross, and only a few retained the doctrine of the old faith. All the characteristics indicate that the Egyptian religion where of African rather than Asiatic origins. Its true form withered who knows how many years ago. The best explanation of the Egyptian religion could only be obtained from the religion of Soudan (Sudan) Akenaten and the god Aten. Which is a study in its own. But the evident pious characteristics of the Egyptians has spread all over the world. Amens priests are everywhere.

Make no Mistake, however seemingly righteous and kindhearted the Egyptians might have been. They was as certainly as pious as a fasting catholic on any given Easter celebration - nonetheless So NiNi hated their practises. It is not the true worship of the Father, nor will it ever be. So NiNi is found in Scripture and through patient study, not by learning and copying the traditions of men, but by separating yourself from these the theories of men, you will draw closer to Him. The Eternal One.

The One who made everything from your bones to your skin, from your eyes to the nose, He weaved your muscles in place and knitted in the nerves so you could remember the Power in His Word. His Word causes the sea to stay at the beach-line and the branches too give its fruits, He makes the deserts expand and brings rain where He wants, all this at the right time. He is never late or early, He is right on time. And no matter how much people try and or pray otherwise, we all live and die by His rules in this World. Seek out the Commandments, stop lying, cheating, killing, and start to bring honour to your parents, find the Sabbath and try to live your life by doing good. Bend to these Commands and your life will change. But listen, without the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Wisdom found in the quietness of Heart - you should and must not try not try to interpret or discern the Word of So NiNi. Do not approach the King of Creation if your heart is double minded. And if you are willing Stop praying to the Egyptian god amen, and come to So NiNi. Pray in His name.

Come to Him in singleness of mind, like a child in full knowing of his wrongdoings. He will forgive you your sins.

Uxolo lube nani


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