In closing, on the end of this lengthy series on the trinity, things should start to become clear that there are two Gospels (at least). This cannot be the way as there is only one true Gospel. We continue the historical line and see that after Constantines death, Emperor Theodosius held the Council of Constantinople (most likely also a city along the African eastern coastline. Gregory of Nazianzus (now archbishop) presided over the council and urged them to share and later adopt his views of the Holy Spirit.
Historian Charles Freeman wrote in A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State (Freeman, 2008:96)
“Virtually nothing is known of the theological debates of the council of 381, but Gregory was certainly hoping to get some acceptance of his belief that the Spirit was consubstantial with the Father [meaning that the persons are of the same being, as substance in this context denotes individual quality]. Whether he dealt with the matter clumsily or whether there was simply no chance of consensus, the 'Macedonians,' bishops who refused to accept the full divinity of the Holy Spirit, left the council ... Typically, Gregory berated the bishops for preferring to have a majority rather than simply accepting 'the Divine Word' of the Trinity on his authority.”
Now Gregory fell ill and withdrew from the council, and it then fell to.... (Freeman, 2008:98):
“So it was that one Nectarius, an elderly city senator who had been a popular prefect in the city as a result of his patronage of the games, but who was still not a baptised Christian, was selected ... Nectarius appeared to know no theology, and he had to be initiated into the required faith before being baptised and consecrated.”
So then, a man without any knowledge of theology, this Nectarius not even a Christian, got appointed as overseer of a Church council that would determine the very nature of SoNiNi... So then teachings of the Three Cappadocians, according to Harper-Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism (HCEC, 568):
“...made it possible for the Council of Constantinople (381) to affirm the divinity of the Holy Spirit, which up to that point had nowhere been clearly stated, not even in Scripture.”
Millard J. Erickson states in God in Three Persons (Erickson, 1995:90):
“What Athanasius did was to extend his teaching about the Word to the Spirit, so that God exists eternally as a Triad sharing one identical and indivisible substance. The Cappadocians - Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Gregory of Nyssa - developed the doctrine of the Spirit, and thus of the Trinity, further.”
Note that according to The New Encyclopaedia Britannica Macropaedia (1984, vol.16:319)
“Although Athanasius prepared the ground, constructive agreement on the central doctrine of the Trinity was not reached in his lifetime (297-373 A.D.)”
According to the Nineteenth century Baltic historian Adolph von Harnack (1851-1930) and History of Dogma (1895) "The Cappadocians... (1895,vol.3:151):
“...were still relatively independent theologians, worthy disciples and admirers of Origen, using new forms to make the faith of Athanasius intelligible to contemporary thought, and thus establishing them, though with modifications.”
And wrote further (Harnack, 1895, vol.3:297):
“Gregory (of Nyssa) was able to demonstrate the application of the incarnation more definitely than Athanasius could... But he does so by the aid of a thoroughly Platonic idea which is only slightly suggested in Athanasius, and is not really covered by Biblical reference.”
This is the statement the council ended up agreeing upon (rough english translation):
“We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages ... And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets ...” The statement also affirmed belief “in one holy, catholic [meaning in this context universal, whole or complete] and apostolic Church ...”
Even though there was to be much opposition from various Churches in the East against this Nicene creed, Theodosius eventually achieved a unity after persecuting and ruling with an iron rod, crushing all resistance. The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the trinity as understood today became a household belief and then the teachings concerning the very nature of SoNiNi, had been successfully changed. Greek philosophy had with great effort prevailed and intermingled with the Gospel of Truth, creating another Gospel all together.
If you read theologian and bishop of the church of Ireland Richard Patrick Crosland Hanson (1916-1988) and Studies in Christian Antiquity (1985) you will find that the result of the councils decision.... (Hanson, 1985:243-244)
“was to reduce the meanings of the word 'God' from a very large selection of alternatives to one only,” such that “when Western man today says 'God' he means the one, sole exclusive [Trinitarian] God and nothing else.”
So then the Emperor Theodosius, baptised only a year before gathering in the Nicene-Con. creed (just like Constantine a mere 6 years earlier) was very much the main man behind establishing a Church doctrine, one we suffering under still. To this Charles Freeman added (Freeman, 2008:103):
“It is important to remember that Theodosius had no theological background of his own and that he put in place as dogma a formula containing intractable philosophical problems of which he would have been unaware. In effect, the emperor's laws had silenced the debate when it was still unresolved.”
It is not enough then, that the three in one of the trinity actually came from sun worship and another got Gospel created became accepted doctrine by the Church. The strangest part was that now (Somehow) the Holy Spirit now was a literal being, co-equal with the Father and the Son. All this being made real by people who hadn't been reading in their Bibles. They hadn't checked any of this up against Scripture, if they did, well they would perhaps have come to other conclusions. Still you must have the Spirit of SoNiNi to discern Scripture correctly, the Devil quotes Scripture too.
So then three men (the three Cappadocians), well versed in Platonic world view, had made their mark on history. The question is, why should any man set his pledge up and follow something that was not taught by the Apostles or the early Church, and a set of teaching that was made several hundreds of years after Christ walked the earth? The answer is no man should. He should have the possibility to read about these things and make up his own mind.
No Scripture teach that the Holy Spirit is God or that the Holy Spirit is a literal being, as decided by these councils. One argument being used was that the Spirit could be grieved therefore it must be a person...
Paul said something in line with Scripture 1. Corinthians 2,11:
“For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.”
In this one Paul compares the spirit of man to the Spirit of SoNiNi. Because just as man has a spirit, so does SoNiNi have a Spirit. His Spirit is a part of Him, being the mind, His will and emotions, just as a man. Such as to say a spirit can be grieved but that does not make a spirit another entity any more than SoNiNis Spirit. So the difference between mans Spirit and the Spirit of SoNiNi is that THE Spirit, can go anywhere. His Spirit is the breath of Life itself.
Another Scripture that puts the logic to the test is Acts 5,3-4, where Peter proofs Ananias wrong on his hiding of the truth (separating his own Spirit from that of SoNiNis):
3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of SoNiNi, and is from SoNiNi. And Peter showed that lying to the Spirit of SoNiNi will reveal a persons deception when lying to Him. Anyone interested in following SoNiNi will study and follow the word of SoNiNi. Not putting their trust in men. And many men has since then come, great theologians but believers in the trinity.
As the timeline moves on the decision made just went from there, with Theodosius at the front with zero tolerance for dissenting views, and issued an edict that according to Richard L. Rubenstein and When Jesus Became God (1999) said (Rubenstein, 1999:223):
“We now order that all churches are to be handed over to the bishops who profess Father, Son and Holy Spirit of a single majesty, of the same glory, of one splendour, who establish no difference by sacrilegious separation, but (who affirm) the order of the Trinity by recognising the Persons and uniting the Godhead.”
Another edict from Theodosius went further in demanding adherence to the new teaching, according to English scholar Henry Scowcroft Bettenson (1908-1979) in Documents of the Christian Church (Bettenson, 1967:22):
“Let us believe the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity. We authorise the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgement, they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume to give their conventicles [assemblies] the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation, and the second the punishment which our authority, in accordance with the will of Heaven, shall decide to inflict.”
So these teachings forced unto the people was far from Christ, never taught by the Apostles and practically unknown to the early Biblical writers. And out of this direction came the Roman Catholic Church, anyone else was branded heretics and swiftly dealt with accordingly.
Richard Hanson summed it up nicely in his book Reasonable Belief: A Survey of the Christian Faith (1980) buy noting that the adoption of the trinity doctrine came as a result of (Hanson, 1980:172):
“....a process of theological exploration which lasted at least three hundred years ... In fact it was a process of trial and error (almost of hit and miss), in which the error was by no means all confined to the unorthodox ... It would be foolish to represent the doctrine of the Holy Trinity as having been achieved by any other way.”
And concludes (Hanson, 1980:175):
“This was a long, confused, process whereby different schools of thought in the Church worked out for themselves, and then tried to impose on others, their answer to the question, 'How divine is Jesus Christ?' ... If ever there was a controversy decided by the method of trial and error, it was this one.”
Oxford University lecturer Kenneth Escott Kirk (1886-1954) wrote on the adoption of the trinity doctrine in Essays on the Trinity and the Incarnation by Alfred E.J. Rawlinson (1884-1960) and The Evolution of the Doctrine of the Trinity (Rawlinson, 1928:221-222):
“The theological and philosophical vindication of the divinity of the Spirit begins in the fourth century; we naturally turn to the writers of that period to discover what grounds they have for their belief. To our surprise, we are forced to admit that they have none ... This failure of Christian theology ... to produce logical justification of the cardinal point in its trinitarian doctrine is off the greatest possible significance. We are forced, even before turning to the question of the vindication of the doctrine by experience, to ask ourselves whether theology or philosophy has ever produced any reasons why its belief should be Trinitarian.”
Now then, in closing on the topic of the trinity (that became a six months study), we sum up how the trinity came to be introduced and how those who refused to accept it became branded heretics and or unbelievers. Let no man think for you, base your view on things you can find in the Bible and not man made theories formed long after the main characters was gone.
The trinity is:
Three in one came from Babel and is sun and devil worship
Idol worship entered the church in Rome very early and gave birth to the Roman Catholic Church, who is Babylon mentioned in Revelations 17 1-18
The Catholic Church did condemn a heathen trintiy at Antioch (still practised today underground)
Council of Nicea condemned followers of Arius for believing Christ had a beginning, with no care that Christ was Begotten (The unbegotten begotten one?)
Theodosius set in motion for the Council of Constantinople, affirming the divinity of the Holy Spirit, contradicting Scripture, lead by the three Cappadocians, persecutions followed and true believers was killed.
Papal dogma established the trinity as a cornerstone teaching in almost all schools of theology
Now that being said there are denominations that understand who Rome is and who antichrist is historically, but that it has been continually dismissed by the culprit herself, Rome (Daniel 8,12). The trinity soon passed into households, along with the change of calendar bringing in Sunday worship which infected Protestant churches from the reformation, and still remains today. People like Arius was accused of saying that Christ was created and crushed him and others to the ground.
Why is this topic so important then? If you ask a Christian about the trinity they will say yes they believe without really having a clue as to what it is. They will ad that it is not a salvation issue. But what if it is?
John, a disciple of Christ himself said that those teachings that all three are one was antichrist teachings, can these people then be saved? A whole host of problems arise when you a cut off or separate from the Spirit of SoNiNi. So then is there a mark of the devil or mark of the beast, as it is called in Revelations 13 and 14. If you read Isaiah 14,12-14 you will find that Satan desires to be worshipped like the Most High. The first way Satan gets you is by not paying attention to the Old Calendar, so you worship on Sunday because you do not know any better. But according to the Commandments (and He who loves me keep my Commandments, John 14,21), we are to keep The Sabbath Day and remember SoNiNi on it. How can people then keep it if they don`t know about it or the lies that has been perpetrated on mankind? It`s time to wake up the people again.
So then comes a belief of the Holy Spirit as a being on its own, another mystical channel the devil can gain your devotion. People praying to the Holy Spirit is another big misnomer, its like addressing your prayers wrong. Guess what, there is someone listening in on the other end.
Come with your sins to Christ, the Son and the Son will show you the Father. Pray to SoNiNi na NiNi, the Great I am that I am. Come home to your Father and leave these heathen idols of darkness. Christ will not turn away any one human being that comes to Him.
John 6,37:
All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.