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"As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so does
SoNiNi naNiNi surround His people, both now and forever."
"...Whoever has ears, let them hear...."
- Apostolic Constitutions, 47:85 (A.D. 400).
- Jerome, Against Rufinus, 11:33 (A.D. 402).
- John Chrysostom, Against Marcionist & Manicheans (ante A.D. 403).
- Jerome, To Eustochium, Epistle 108 (A.D. 404).
- Rufinus of Aquileia, The Apostles Creed, 37-38 (A.D. 404).
“Of the Old Testament, therefore, first of all there have been handed down five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; Then Jesus Nave, (Joshua the son of Nun), The Book of Judges together with Ruth; then four books of Kings (Reigns), which the Hebrews reckon two; the Book of Omissions, which is entitled the Book of Days (Chronicles), and two books of Ezra (Ezra and Nehemiah), which the Hebrews reckon one, and Esther; of the Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel; moreover of the twelve (minor) Prophets, one book; Job also and the Psalms of David, each one book. Solomon gave three books to the Churches, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles.”
- Rufinus of Aquileia, The Apostles Creed,3 7-38 (A.D. 404).
- Jerome, Against the Pelagians, II:30 (A.D. 415).
- John Cassian, Third Conference of Abbot Chaermon, 7 (A.D. 428).
- John Cassian, The Incarnation of Christ, 4:13 (A.D. 430).
- Vincent of Lerins, Commonitory for the Authenticity and Universality of the Catholic Faith, 21:51 (A.D. 434).
- Theodoret of Cyrus, Ecclesiastical History, 3:11 (A.D. 440).
- Pope Leo the Great [regn. A.D. 440-461], Sermon 10:4 (ante A.D. 461).
- Pope Leo the Great [regn. A.D. 440-461], Sermon 67 (ante A.D. 461).
- Theodoret of Cyrus, To Cyrus Magistrianus, Epistle 136 (ante A.D. 466).
- Pope Gregory the Great [regn. A.D. 590-604], Pastoral Care, 10 (ante A.D. 604).
- Pope Gregory the Great [regn. A.D. 590-604], Pastoral Care, 20 (ante A.D. 604).
- 7th Ecumenical Council, Nicea II, Canon 6 (A.D. 787).
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