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Writer's pictureNtandoyenkosi

Pagan Words 3.0

In this one we will have a closer look at the very name God, which is so frequently used by Christians and delivers today. Actually wether you are a mormon, Baptist, Protestant, Lutheran or whatever denomination you hail from, all use the english name of a Canaanite (Syrian) Deity of good luck and fortune.

Now GAD, was the name of a so-called Semitic God of fortune, depicted both as male and female. WE find information about this deity from Arabia, which was Eastern Africa in ancient times, and ARAM which most likely was in the western parts of southern Africa, but also inland from Namibia and Botswana. Christ was said to have been an Aram, a man of sorrow. The deity Gad/God is also mentioned in Isaiah 65,11, as the god of fortune, and my oh my is he not being worshipped today.... They bend the knee to him in churches, in the name of God they pray and prosper. This deity started getting worshipped by the Hebrews themselves during the Babylonian captivity. Now the deity of God was different than the god of Destiny (Meni/Money), according to Karel van der Toorn in the comprehensive Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (1999). Van Der Toorn also speculates, quite rightly, that Jacobs son is named after this deity, and mother Zilpah who was Leahs maid, also became Jacobs wife after they had Gad. The severity of the worship of Gad for the Canaanites shows in the names mentioned in the Bible, Baalgad which was said to be close to Mount Hermon, Migdal-gad in Judah, Gaddi and Gaddiel found in the tribes of Manasseh and Zebulon (Book of Numbers 13,10-11). If we follow the history of Gad you see that it become the title for Jupiter over time, called by the Arabs the `Greater Fortune` with Venus as the `Lesser Fortune`.

Then we have the God of Destiny, as alluded earlier, called Meni or as we call him today Money. In the New Testament this deity was referred to as Mammon, the great overseer of material wealth, and seems to be the peoples destiny of today. The greedy pursue of gain will shut you off effectively from seeking the Kingdom of Heaven, and we all remember the quote both in Luke and Matthew, you cannot serve both God and mammon. The irony is that when you use Gad in that sentence, not SoNiNi, or you can serve them both as both will lead you astray.

Now there are many today referred to as God (Gad or Gawd), a tittle as we said for a sky-deity often identified with Jupiter. We could also talk about the masoretic vowel-points, which says GD (גר) also used as a title for a Scriptural deity. However, writers of this blog believes there is a serious problem with the translation of ancient Hebrew and the Hebrew taught today. If the claims of this blog is true then the Hebrew back in the day would sound more like a Bantu language (like the Nguni or Aram languages) not like Arabic. So the translation of ancient Hebrew needs revision in pronunciation and also vocabulary.

Now if one reads Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics and Webster`s Twentieth Century Dictionary, we find the word God as having a roots in so-called Teutonic Paganism. So the Indo-European (Germanic) dictionaries has god or ghodh, a word that means union or mating (gott, got, gode, gade, god and gud). Being familiar words for all Scandinavian countries, where Gud is used for the all-seeing and all-knowing deity. Now under the Roman religion, which spread through torture and death, simply took the Teutonic deity, Gott, and dressed it up in Catholicism, passing it off as the English title for the Almighty. Like the deity above, which back in the day was called Thor, god of thunder, got an other name and was dressed in Christianity.

Now to show how the name of a deity does matter, take the example of what the German soldier of WWII had embossed on their belts. It says "Gott mit uns", meaning "God with us", this goes to show we should not use God as a name for SoNiNi, it never was His name, never will be. SoNiNis Son was to be called "God with us", or Immanuel (7,14). Now the pagan deity name (God) also features on the US dollar bill, In God we trust. Now just ask yourself, Which god do you trust in? Money, Destiny? Which god is with you? If you confuse your god, which may be money or greed, who then is SoNiNi? Do you know Him or have you just heard about him? Do you know the Gospel or have you also just heard about the Gospel? Can you claim to have been you set free by it? Or have you been enslaved by the plethora pagan superstitions and institutions claiming your allegiance? Ask yourself the tough question.... Which Lord/God do you serve?

If we now look a little closer at the word LORD, which appears many times in the Bible and spoken about briefly in the previous article. Moving on we see its heavily linked with Ba`al worship, where the word Lord is applied for all heathen deities if the word god does not used for a said deity. Mostly you will find they are used interchangeably for all these pagan idols. Now if one reads about the Etruscans (whom had a different historical name in the Bible) we find the household deity called Lar or Larth. This deity became very popular to the Romans and in Rome itself under the name Lares which was the plural form, as these deities very often was more then one. And we know SoNiNi is alone, no wife, no parliament, no advisors, He makes decisions on His own. Now back to Lares/Lord, that had a Greek equivalent that was Heros, another name for Zeus. A feminine form of Lares was Lara, the beloved of the god Mercury. Lar and Larth therefore mean Lord. Just a slight difference in writing but not so much in pronouncing. The word Lord can be traces back to Loride, an english word which was the surname of the Teutonic god Thor and the deity Lordo. In Scripture the word for Lord would be Adonai and the Greek Kurios, all just other words for the ones we use. Inkosi (King) or Mdala (The Ancient One).

When it comes to the word Christ, it too is not a pure word. Greeks used Messias (Messiach in Hebrew) and Christos (Khristos), Xhosa and Zulu uses uMsindisi. Off course the word Khristos was favourable for people already worshipping Krestos and Khreston. To the left is an image from the Kebra Negast, showing damned souls at the end of time getting dragged through the eternal fires. These documents are remnants of one of the old churches that existed and the very mush lost mainland African history, some things has survived after the enemies and pagan nations invaded and descended upon Jerusalem. And all this just as Christ had said it would happen. Now looking closer at the word Christ it was easily confused with the common Greek name, Chrestos (which means good). And according to historians these words, Christus and Chrestus (Christiani and Chrestiani) was used interchangeably soon after Christ. The inscriptions of Chrestos can be found on a relief of Mithras in the Vatican, Mithras is the Catholics Lord.

If we examine the word Bible, we will be surprised to find that the word is of somewhat Greek origin and simply means books, in Greeks it was written Biblos or Biblion. The term Scripture was replaced by Bible after what some sources say was a huge harbour in Phoenicia called Byblos or Byblus, where the books of the Bible started getting imported from. Which would have been with letters and full books from the Bible, not all collated as it would take up too much space written down on Egyptian Papyrus. The Phoenicians called this port Gebal, and was more than likely located in the area of Eastern Africa, like Mozambique or Tanzania (or perhaps further up). If we look at the history of Sofala, and its conquering by Arabs, it seems a likely candidate. This would have been close to the mentions of Havilah in Genesis (areas of Zimbabwe and Northeastern South Africa) as areas of much gold. And the Phoenicians loved gold. This seaport was the home of the Sun-Deity Lady of Biblos or Byblia, which was also a name for Venus (whom we know all to well today).

In closing we will now have a closer look at the wore Church, an English translation for the Greek Ekklesia, a word that means a calling out, meeting, gathering or assembly. The mere origins of the word comes from Kyriakon, which is Greek for house of Kyrios (Master). Dictionaries will give the origin of church to the Anglo-Saxon (English) CIRCE, none other than the daughter of Helios (sun-deity). This name Circe, was written and pronounced Kirke, which is the name for the church building in countries like Germany (Kerche), Netherlands (Kerk) and Scandinavian countries as Kirke.

So what is the point of all this you might say? Well, have you ever heard the quote, know thine enemy? These articles are meant to educate and make you ask questions about The Ultimate Creator, not these other gods made up by men who seek only to fill their hearts with greed and control. There is true salvation and freedom, but it does not mingle with the fallen things of this world.

You see the English language is entwined with words that paint the names of other gods, the language is not pure before the lord at all. So then this whole subject matter can be seen for some as mere trivial information... Or ask how then should we know what words to use and which ones to stay away from...?

The answer is ask SoNini, and He, through His infinite Spirit of wisdom, will show you and guide you. If you sin out of ignorance, there is no judgement. But if you wilfully sin and worshipping these fallen gods as your master and do not repent of your sins known and unknown, you are on the wrong path.

1 John 4-6 should make this clear and show you the Spirit that should lead you, the one telling you about the things people worship today... Its not the true Creator, but pagan gods and fallen angels dragging people down with them.

"Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him."

Uxolo lube nani


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