In these next posts we will focus on the Pagan traditions in modern society and the names of Gods so prevalent and present today. Especially so in the English language. This post will be just an introduction of these pagan traditions, that has taken on itself the coverings of Christianity, there are indeed many things that need to be cleared up. And their origins reveals them.
Now before we start quoting Scripture, the sad truth is that most Christians do not regard the Laws of Moses as valid... and they will say Christ did away with the Law. This is not true. Its not that easy to understand the sacrifice Christ made for us all, and every man on the walk with his Saviour will get this question on his walk. Is the Law still valid? Must I follow it to the point like in the olden days? The debates still go on today, and bringing people both closer and further away from the Saviour with their own inner answer to that question. Or a theologian will answer for them, dodging the matter altogether. Dodging his chance at redemption at the same time. Whatever stance you take one thing constant - every man and woman is bought and payed for, that much is certain. In short, the Law is what tells you when you sin. Without the law how would you know sin? Without instruction how would you learn? And now my dear people we need instruction and direction now more than ever. But thats another topic altogether.
But keeping this in mind, people are not aware that the Torah (Books of Moses) Command people not to utter the names of other Mighty Ones (gods).
13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.
People will again be even more unaware of just how replete the English language with names and words derived of the many historical and mythological characters worshiped through out the ages. Now most obvious and used all over is the Roman Catholic calendar, which gives us the names in a week and the numbers of months during a Roman year. Now we, the readers of the blog know, the Hebrews used another calendar. Instituted by SoNiNi, and upheld by many of the ancient civilisations, moves with the seasons in Southern Africa and follows the comings and goings of the Moon (the Lunar Cycles). But these things has been changed, and the months mentioned in the Bible are no longer, and the cycles of the Moon are not being following. removing people from Sabbath worship, as they cannot get The Lords Day right following a Roman calendar (Its nether Sunday nor is it Saturday) A calendar which has every day of the week, names after a pagan deity.
Sunday - Day of the Sun, derived from Latin Deis Solis in reverence of the Sun god called SOL (Invictus). If you look at the old imagery of this god, looks very similar to the Statue of Liberty found in the US. This Day of the Sun was supposed to be a scared day of rest, and the 25th of December was celebrated as the birth of the sun (given birth dy the Queen of Heaven) which according to the Catholics, is the Mother of God. As of the Creator of all things, something that always was, could have a mother. These followers of Mithras, did pretty much the same things as Catholics do today, love feasts, tolerance as long as they get to decide, loaves of bread decorated with crosses (Roman sun worship symbol) recited by a priests with mystic formulas... Sound familiar? The more you read the more you will see that worshipers of Mithras still very much worship him, the mediator of god and man, an eternal life in heaven and torture of wicked after death...
Monday - Day of the Moon - is simply that in honour of the Moon god, whom the Egyptians called Jah or Yah. There is currently a great movement in the Americas, mostly by African Americans who claim allegiance of a God whom they call Yah. A very powerful spirit, that seems to lean towards fear and dominance, far removed from the Holy Spirit of Wisdom, this one comes with it a spirit of war and destruction.
Tuesday - Day of Tyr - named so after the old Norse go Tyr (Tiw or Tiu) one of the Germanic peoples oldest god. He was concerned with the formalities of war, treatise and justice. In the image of the right, by John Albert Bauer (1882–1918), we see the Norse god Tyr sacrificing his arm to Fenrir the wolf. Done in exchange for him accepting to be bound with a magical chain, as the world was to come to and end. Tyr was foretold of being consumed by the similarly monstrous dog Garmr during the events of Ragnarök (end times).
Wednesday - Day of Odin - This day was in reverence of none other then Norse mythological character Odin (Woden), the god of war and death. But he was also associated with wisdom (as he gave away his right eye), knowledge, wars and battles, sorcery and frenzy. In old Dutch he was known as Woudan (old-Germanic for Wodanaz), meaning Lord of frenzy/possession.
Thursday - Day of Thor - names so due to the god of Thunder, Thor, the wielding of a hammer that was often followed by lightening. Thor was among three other siblings Baldir, Vidar and Vali, but according to which source, these gods are like the Egyptian ones, there are always more. Thor with the Hammer was also associated with trees, strength and fertility. This deity is also central in Old Saxon belief systems, Thuner or Donar (Punaraz in Proto Germanic), meaning Thunder.
Friday - Day of Freya - We are still listing Norse god names, and they have named all the days of the week for people very far from Europe. All African countries now use these names in their local language. But hey its just same gods with different names, as Freya god of love and sexual desire, is easily linked with Venus, the Old Greco-Roman goddess.
Saturday - Day of Saturn - Names purely in honour of Saturnus, often depicted with a sickle in hand eating his own son, also heavily identified with Cronus (Kronos) a Greek deity of harvest and time. Kronos was the King of the Titans, destructive and a so-called all-devouring force, he ruled the cosmos during what was called the Golden Age (a time with SoNiNi and the angels perhaps?). This god apparently castrated and removed his father Ouranus, the Greek word for Heaven or Sky, and Kronos mother was called Gaia. (More on Mon Saturnis in future).
Moving on we have a look at the Months, a long list of names of Pagan gods.
January - Janus - A Roman god of the gates. Meaning transitions and time, or a doorkeeper if you will. Janus was often depicted with two faces. This deity presided over beginning and endings of conflicts, a war and peace kinda thing.
February - Februus was a Roman god dedicated to the ritualistic Roman month of Februa. Februus was the god of purification and was also worshipped by the Etruscans (called that by modern historians), whom may have been called by another name as a people in the Old Testament. Februus was also the God of riches (gold) and death. This deity has clear ties to the Greeks Pluto.
March - Roman god of War. Mars was also connected to agriculture, son of Jupiter (Johve) and Juno, a military god in Romes army of gods. Now the Greeks called this figure Ares, but Romes Mars was a little different. But pay attention to how much this character permeates societal thinking today. Because the union of Venus (Aphrodite and Mars/Ares) is often subject of the cinematic screen and philosophers of today. You have the ever seeking fighter and warrior, hyper masculine (aggressive) only to be tamed by the soft and pleasurable woman that no one could approach or tie down. Just watch the descriptions of Aphrodite below and perhaps you also can make the connections.
April - Aphrilis - was and is none other than Afrodite. The Greek goddess of lust, and my oh my how she is worshipped today. And despite modern paintings and depictions of this goddess. She was more than likely, just as black as Athena (read Martin Bernals Black Athena (1987-2006) if you have doubts). She would have bore more resemblance to the image on the left. She was the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion and sex. Romans copied Aphrodite and made Venus, more of the same basically. Now Aphrodite again came from the Phoenician goddess Astarte (again a derivate of Isthar from Babylon, are you catching on yet?). This figure was also the goddess of prostitutes, which was a sacred profession in Roman-Greek culture. People involved in the selling of sexual favours often have the spirit of Venus/Aphrodite in them. Pray for people influenced by both of these, Mars and Venus.
May - Maia was the Roman earth fertility goddess, and daughter of Atlas who supposedly holds up the world. The Romans did not even bother to change her name, so they kept the Greek name, Maia.
June - called Juno and was an ancient Roman goddess, as a protector and counsellor. Juno was the daughter of Saturn, wife of Jupiter and mother of Mars. She is tied to Hera, which was the queen of Gods in Greek Mythology.
July & August - Named after Gaius Julius Cesar & Gaius Julius Cesar Augustus, not gods per say but they both demanded to be worshipped as gods, which may be just as bad or even worse.
The rest of the months in a year does not really derive from Greek Gods, but they have definite ties with Rome. Meaning they are named after Emperors and such. Fun fact, Iceland revolted against the Roman Catholics when they tried to implement these names. Furthermore they kept their original months for a long time. These where their names, dont worry few can pronounce the below.
Now, Muslims refuse vehemently to use the western months of the year. Should we as SoNiNis people not use the names of months of the Hebrews that is mentioned the Bible? Look at the article on the old Xhosa Calendar, this is the calendar we should follow and the names we should use are not Pagan names of old gods of war, death and sex. You become what you worship, and this world right now loves all three of the above. But SoNiNi is far from them. So seek Him and listen to the words of the strong and courageous man that took over after Moses, the mighty Joshua 23,6-8 (In fact read the whole chapter its great):
6 “Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left.
7 Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. You must not serve them or bow down to them.
8 But you are to hold fast to SoNiNi naNiNi, as you have until now.