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Areas from the Bible

MOLWENI - Greetings from the Interior Parts of the Eastern Cape ! And what a special corner of the earth this is.

Vuyani, Ndiyabulela uBawo !

While roaming through these famous and ancient hills of the actual Promised Land, finding cattle and seeing nothing but grasslands in every single direction -  A revelation presented itself (on several occasions actually) that any thinking person shouldn`t have an issue in understanding that South Africa is indeed the land of Milk and Honey (Exodus 3,17 ; Ezekiel 20,6 ; Jeremiah 11,5 ; Deuteronomy 11,9 - amongst so many other verses of Scripture). Please just your Bible and do the research before the king of ignorance swoops away the seeds of knowing. I beg you !

Now, there has been and always was plenty of both milk and honey in ancient Israel, which was indeed in Southern Africa. Only now, it does not rain as much as it used to, so the land must have been even more spectacular in ancient (unspoilt) times. It really tickles my imagination to think of the agricultural wonder that Jerusalem must have been, considering the quality of the earth here and now, at this point in time. It must have been a green and lush place, beyond the scope of what you can imagine now. Pollution and mining has taken its toll even in these pristine parts of the earth... And it will get worse I am afraid.

Now, you can be certain that So NiNi has His reasons for letting all this decline happen, holding back rain and allowing `development`. Why this is so, only He knows the full extent of. Though He said He would do all these things, so it should not be a big surprise to believers that things are going from bad to worse. Because nowadays, as for the rainclouds and rain in these parts. It is little to none. The clouds elegantly pass by parts of the Capes (most of the time). They seem to want to stay out at sea, this means you can actually see the rain avoiding, with clouds splitting up out at sea, just before it ever reaches the Eastern and Western Cape altogether. However as of right now, it is pouring down. Which is a good thing - Makube imvula !

 In these of articles we will for each post talk about the some of the so-called lost cities, but really we talk about forgotten and unknown areas, termed so by archeologists and the like. Most of these cities are in fact ancient Biblical cities or well known areas that once thrived or famous areas served as the homes of the ancient Tribes of Israel - Benjamin, Judah, and also Naphtali, Reuben and Simeon. Some of these tribes still live here in the land that was given to them. Others such as Dan, might be in other places in Africa (or even other ones in the course of time scattered among the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans / islands around the world). I am talking about the tribes of Israel.

Now here comes the twist :)

Regardless of these much needed searches for the ancient and forgotten - believers in Msindisi (Immanuel was His name) and the message of the Gospel, can be of any nation and ethnicity - in the whole wide world (Galatians 3,26-29).

Outward appearance does not matter to So NiNi, in the world to come things will surely be different, but we will still be humans only not separated from one another in terms of classifications or borders... So your predisposition in this age, colour of skin or physical appearance - does not matter for Him in the world to come. Nor should it matter now. What does matter though, are the unseen things. The things which only He sees. And as long as your heart is circumcised and you see every man or woman you meet as your brother or sister (possible brother and sister), now you watch them in the eyes while doing this, you are on the right track. Still, and this is very important there most certainly is a Chosen people, we must remember that. More righteous and fervently believing on the old ways than any other, sons and descendants of Solomon, Isaac, Jakob and King David. But where are they? Have a look see.

Remember Absalom, his hair was said to have weighed about 5 pounds (1,8kg), regardless if this calculation is correct, the verse is included to illustrate the mass and length of this young mans hair. Can any one type of hair say blond or red, except black afro hair, cluster and approach such numbers in terms of weight? Think about that black hair for a second...

Just think about it...

2. Samuel 14,26 gives this one:

`Whenever he cut the hair of his head--he used to cut his hair once a year because it became too heavy for him--he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard.`

Now, here comes the tricky part - the people of Ancient Israel are both the enemies of the Gospel (Romans 11,22) but also from where salvation comes (John 4, 22). Now this is contradictory - fore sure, but something to think about it. I digress, lets get back to locations and let some of this stuff sink in (if you are new). Milk before meat, and there might be too much meat here for some.

Geographical locations next, go check`em out !

Now, if we stick to this particular corner and place of the earth, being what we now know as the Eastern Cape. Take Tsitsa Falls, for instance, a place in the middle of nowhere (close to Mt. Frere), look at the River from which it sprang out of, which was Tstitsa River, this very River served as the natural border between the tribe of Benjamin and and the tribe of Judah, back in the day. Also up in this area is said to be the tomb of Rahab, (a name which I think means large or vast, perhaps in the terms of land area). Joshua recalls a woman who lived in Jericho in the Promised Land (Southern Africa, more that likely close to Tsitsa Falls) who assisted the Israelites in capturing the city of Jericho by officially betraying her people (Joshua 2,1-24). Matthew even recalls her as one of the ancestors of Msindisi Himself. Now, this means (most likely) that the City of Jericho also was somewheres in between Mt. Fletcher and Mt. Frere. This remains to be figured out when further traveling that particular area.

The area in the image above is called Umzimvubu Catchment, really just an overview of the river systems in this region of Southern Africa, known today as the Eastern Cape. When looking at this, only the verses of Isaiah 18,1-6, rings in so true and clear in my ears :

` Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia there is a land where the sound of wings is heard.`

But also Zephaniah 3,10:

`From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, my scattered people, will bring me offerings.`

This river system, Umzimvubu Cathment, lies along the northern boundary of the Eastern Cape and goes on or 200km from its source (Maloti-Drakensberg) on the Lesotho escarpment to its estuary at Port St Johns where it meets with the Indian Ocean, or as it was known in the Olden Days, The Dead Sea, sea of salt, the water that does not give life. Get it?

Image on the left is from the area known as Transkei. Ok, get this - The area (Umzimvubu) covers more than 2 million hectares of the Eastern Cape and makes out 70% of the communal land. This River System is one of the few remaining `natural rivers, and is vulnerable because of rapid degradation of watershed (meaning water is getting scarce. In addition ot being a freshwater system, the nearby grasslands, forest, thicket (brush) and dune vegetation are SOME OF THE MOST BIODIVERSE in the world. This area supports numerous species of plants and animals that gives a good range in terms of ecosystem. Meaning created in perfection by the Creator. Go look up things like selenium, how its in the earth and its role inside a human being. You will be baffled. But I wont bore you with the boring intricate chemistry of nutrition. What you eat, but more importantly from where you eat, does truly matter :)

So Tsitsa Falls is a good start for any explorer, about 1-2 hours drive from Mthatha, is the border (the Bible calls Tsetsah) between Judah and Benjamin. Now there are big recreational stuff here, hiking, trailing and kayaking are lots. When you have a look in this area you will see lots of strange lands forms, old torn stairs (out of stone) that clearly say that this place used to be active, with life and buildings, though few of the locals talk about these days anymore. Shame shame. Now, Kei Mouth in the Wild Coast, approx. 1-2 hours drive from East London. Is also a recreational area for tourism and the likes, whit lots of activities.

The Great Kei (KAI) River divides the Transkei (where Umthatha lies, and again Jerusalem is close too) from the area know as Ciskei (Where East London is). Kei River is the Jordan River mentioned in the Bible, look up verses like: Mark 1,5-9, Matthew 3,6-13, Joshua 4,8 ; 3,8 and off course 2. Kings 5,10 - Now look at the images below, what River would be a problem crossing?

The photo below is from the riverbank (taken by me), and it is the same river that all the verses in Joshua (like 3,17) talk about.

Joshua 3,17

` And the priests who carried the ark of the covenant of So NiNi stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground, until all the nation had finished crossing the Jordan.`

All of Israel...Imagine that. Now, this must have been a pretty big river, and you would do well to think that. Well it was (is). Just for fun, and for people who don`t like to think to much, I include an image of the River Jordan in modern Israel. What do you think?

I kid you not, this is the River Jordan in modern Israel, where an army of 40,000 crossed and or had troubles crossing - without So NiNI Himself having to dry up the River. Now they say it was bigger before and all that - blabla. As if anyone really believes this, though some are doomed to believe in lies. Why, because So NiNi said some will believe in lies. Even far out stuff such as this...

If you catch up on Great Kei River and the Biblical Jordan River history, you will very easily see they are one and the same. They are the same length, used as the western border between Israel, in terms of size and the amount of people crossing it at given times, and (just like the Bible) it meets with the sea (Dead Sea) which is now known as the Indian ocean. The sea (Dead Sea) was called such because of it salt content, also mentioned some of the historians who traveled these parts and chronicled all in various historical recollections. Only these are now interpreted just plain wrong. Somebody has seen fit to rewrite history, nothing new though. Its happened before.

Moving on then, if you travel further southeast, drive towards Mthatha again towards Umtata mouth, which is the other end of the Jordan River (River Jordan) an area today called Coffee Bay (also Recreational and Backpacker area). Villages call this `Umtata Bawo`, meaning You take him Father. Even Umtata meaning Father and the rivers nickname should turn some curious heads, alas - if someone would just connect the dots for me you think. Pray let So NiNi help you ! Today its been slightøy changed in spelling, from Umtata to Umthatha, means the same thing - take him.

Near by Rustenburg

Moving on, we target the Vast Expanse near the modern city of Rustenburg, just on the outskirts of Johannesburg. This area is for sure strange, and I am not certain as of what city lay here or area it might have been. Though I do have theories, and they revolve around copper. Lots and lots of copper. Remember anything about copper and perhaps someones mines from Scripture?

This Vast Expanse of a ruined city near Rustenburg, covers about 10,000 square km, which makes it larger than modern Johannesburg or even Los Angeles. Almost every stone at this site was brought in from somewhere else.

The city or cities, at Rustenburg consisted of Africans well versed in working with copper and iron (linguists and archeologists have recognised them as BaTswana and BaSotho, and BaFokeng). Only, as any historian will tell you, these are new terms used on old peoples. So easy to get things wrong and assume away hey? The dates put here only stretch back to say 14. or 15. hundreds, which by all things in Biblical considerations and timeframes, is at best a very slim estimate. Now because of these minerals (Copper), these tribes was the richest in Southern Africa at the time.

A more than favourable environment is the reason why farmers settled in areas such as these back in the day, and mining is also prevalent there today. The underlying rocks produce a rich, dark soil ideal for things such as sorghum cultivation. There a few frosts and water finds its way there, and the availability or iron and copper ores would have been very attractive in the ancient world. Peoples such as the Tlokwa mined copper at some point in time, from more shallow deposits not far from Marothodi (west of Pilanesberg). Even though archeologists have uncovered numerous iron and copper smelters in these no mans lands, in between stonewalled homesteads and over vast areas, few heads turn and start asking questions.

Either way, one has to ask questions, such as where did Solomon get his brass (copper) for building So NiNis Temple? (1. Kings 7) The Bible says Solomon controlled areas as vast as Egypt (which could have stretched from Nubia) to modern day Iraq, at some point in time. Massive caravans trekked wealth to Israel from far away Aethoipa (the land of the blacks), attracting old skool celebrities such as Queen Sheba. Now the Bible does not mention where the copper, used to make brass off course, came from, although 1. Kings 7,46 tells us something. That it came from the plains of Jordan (probably near the Jordan River, which you all know where is now), in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan. So, these mines would in fact be somewheres around here perhaps (who knows even further north is possible).

As you can see - South Africa is riddled with natural beauty, minerals (copper, gold, diamonds, platinum), ancient and mostly unknown history - and off course stunning mountains. Take the Magaliesberg mountains for instance, which are amongst the oldest in the world (100 times older than Everest, whatever that means), they stretch - 120km from Pretoria (East) to Rustenburg (West), effectively separating the grasslands from the bushy savannah towards the north.

Or the Drakensberg, the highest mountain range in South Africa, stretching for 1,000km, from the Eastern Cape in the south to Mpumalanga in the north (through Lesotho and vast territories of so-called `no mans land`).

Was this one of the places Msindisi went, when He so often went up into the mountains to pray? Matthew 14,23

Thats it for now. Enough to begin digesting for any sensitive stomach - I am sure. Now these areas are there for everyone to explore, all accessible and easy to find. The local Xhosas are very friendly if you decide to go into the interiors, only the Kwazulu Natal and in some cities in and around the interiors parts are places I would not go (particularly if you do not know any Xhosa or Zulu). However if you know some of the lingo, and you are not filled to the brim with hatred towards your neighbour and fellow man - it is very easy to make friends. Only remember the culture is different than whatever you might be used to, so be polite, listen and make friends for life.

To all readers, I love you and care for every one of you.

Uxolo lube nani

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