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Xhosa Words 9.0

After soaking in the state of mind the above exceptionally well dressed ladies seems to share. Lets take a look at the ancient African seasons and also learning how to measure time, translated to their proper meaning(s) in the beautiful Xhosa language.

Xhosa Seasons

English isiXhosa (Xhosa)

Spring iNtlakohlaza

Summer iHlobo

Autumn eKwindla

Winter uBusika

Xhosa Measurements of Time

second umzuzwana

minute umzuzu

minute simizuzu

hour iyure

hours iiyure (remember plural is marked with prefixes such as ii, imi, etc.)

day usuku

days iintsuku

week iveki

weeks iiveki

month inyanga

months iinyanga

year unyaka

years iminyaka

yesterday izolo

today namhlanje

tomorrow ngomso

Uxolo lube nani

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